The Real “Root Cause” Of Anxiety, Burnout & Physical Stress Symptoms


There is a root cause to anxiety, burnout & physical stress symptoms and treating it can lead to lasting recovery, as well as unprecedented growth towards your best self and life.

But that root cause is not a magic button which you just find, press and then it fixes all your mental health challenges. Instead, the root cause is layers of thought and emotion within you.

By progressively processing, healing and letting go of those layers you get closer to your true self, your innate health, and lasting well-being. As you do so, symptoms like anxiety, burnout and stress symptoms unpeel, diminish and simply cease to be a problem, which is where I feel I’m currently at. It benefits all areas of life.

Here’s a short video where I explain more:

In my case, as a perfectionist, my perfectionism itself has been an important part of the root cause within me – along with the thought and emotion which was underlying it.

There is not one single magic solution or methodology which is best – instead, there is value to many of the different therapies, teachings and knowledge available out there. I’ve found what helps most people is a combination of different therapies, used fluidly and adapted to each unique person.

In my career I’ve also found that I can only help people as deeply as I’ve gone myself, so I continue on my own journey inwards, through the root cause layers of thought and emotion. I’m excited about where it may lead next – as I am about the journeys of the people I’m serving.

Contact me if you’re interested in a chat about any of this, or check out my content on youtube or instagram if you’d like to learn more.

Best wishes,

James Cormack

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